Good old Disney Channel, when I
was a kid in the 90’s, this station had some of the best children’s shows like
“Duck Tales”, “The Little Mermaid” and of cores “Chip N’ Dale Rescue Rangers”.
As the years went on, the shows got stupider and the station began to lose its
charm, who would have guessed that buried under all these crazy and kid
friendly shows would lye a dark, epic, action packed television sensation that
became one of my favorite animated TV shows for years to come. This is my tribute
to the 90’s Disney TV series titled “Gargoyles”. The first episode was
called “The Awakening” and it was a full five part episode that was edited
together and was released on video as “Gargoyles the movie: Hero’s Awaken” and
every copy of the film came complete with its own board game, that’s just how
great the show was and this first episode was an excellent start to the series.
It grabs your attention and it gets you wanting to see more.

premise goes like this, 1000 years ago, Gargoyles were the guardians of a
castle in Scotland. Every day they turn to stone and every night they become
flesh and blood creatures. It’s a really cool concept because usually the hero
is too invincible and not being able to fight or protect themselves during the
day is an interesting weakness. One day they were betrayed by the people they
were sworn to protect, actually, one person in particular, and most of their
clan was killed, but thanks to some humans, a small group of Gargoyles survived.
However, they were put under a spell by a wizard that turned them to stone
permanently and after 1000 years had passed the Gargoyles were taken to New
York and the spell was broken. Now their the guardians of New York City, well,
that’s the clip note version. There’s really so much more to this show than
just these characters being your average hero’s and defeating the villain of
the week. The writing for this show was simply better than the average cartoon show.
Every episode is strung together with strong morals, dark themes, big plot
twists and it all flowed like a classic adventure epic.

There’s no way I can do this show justice but I’ll do my best. “Gargoyles” aired in 1994 and ended in 1997. I rarely watch TV shows
from my youth but Gargoyles is a
rare exception, I still enjoy watching this show, just as much as any live
action show that I watch today. This
was hands down the best show to come from Disney, while most shows from “The Disney Afternoon Show” were
colorful and kid friendly, Gargoyles was edgier, grander, darker and even
had a fare share of legitimate drama. The characters were all fleshed out and a
fine step above the usual cool super heroes for kids to admire, they go through
some big changes and the episodes didn’t always have a happy ending. This show
is best known for its complex story arcs that were heavily employed throughout
the series, and as the show continued, it became deeply influenced by medieval and
Scottish history, as well as incite on some of Shakespeare's most popular
stories, but I’m getting ahead of myself. The animation was fantastic, with a
lot of dark colors (much like the 90’s “Batman”
show) and artsy lighting. The musical score composed by Carl Johnson is phenomenal, it’s so epic and
stunning that I can imagine it being used for big budget action films like “Kingdome of Haven” or “Gladiator”. I love how the intro starts with such
a haunting tone and then it rolls into the more epic tone and it gets you hyped
for the show. The second season
included a narration provided by Goliath, which plays out through the
intro, it's really cool but also a little distracting from the music.

Next, let’s look at
the lead hero’s. The leader is Goliath,
named after the Biblical giant who fought David. This is an excellent hero character, who was just as strong and powerful as he was wise and honorable.
He’s voiced by the always outstanding “Keith David” (who’s stared in films like
“The Thing”, “Platoon”, “They Live”
and recently was the voice of “the Shadow man” in “The Princes and the Frog”). The man has a great voice, it might
just be the coolest voice for a cartoon character, and it’s on par with Peter
Cullen as the voice of “Optimus Prime” or Kevin Conroy as the voice of

Only the leader of the clan was given a name but when they arrived in
Manhattan, the rest of the clan began to name themselves off of the city’s land
marks. There’s “Hudson”, who’s the classic wise mentor of the group and voiced
very well by Edward Asner (you
may remember him as the Santa from “Elf”). The young
second-in-command is Brooklyn, he's the rebellious youth of the group and voiced by
the talented Jeff Bennett. The smallest and fiscally weakest of the group is Lexington, what he lacks in muscles,
he makes up for with his technically intelligent mind. The overweight and often
silly character is Broadway, he starts as the annoying comedic relief character
but there’s some depth to him and he becomes rather interesting as the series
goes on. Then there’s Angela,
she’s Goliath’s doubter and the only female Gargoyle of the group. She's interesting because she only became part of the cast during the second season. There’s also a dog
character named Bronx, who’s also
rather enjoyable. All these characters have many levels of character growth,
complex development and they always manage to keep the show very entertaining.

The primary female
character of the show is Elisa Maza, she’s the only human character of the
group, much like how “April O'neil” was the only human member of the “Ninja
Turtles”. I think she’s definitely one of the best female characters to come
from an animated TV show. A lot of men don’t
like the idea of woman being stronger but I think it’s fantastic and this was
one bad ass fighter that made Wonder Woman look like a joke. Usually in Superhero
shows, the female character is just there to be rescued but Elisa is rarely in
need of rescuing, in fact she spends more time saving the lead hero’s. Voice actress “Salli Richardson” gives
a fascinating performance that’s sexy, emotional and very passionate. This is the
kind of character that fights both demons and personal demons and never lets
the pressure of the situation bring her down. Honestly, she's one of my favorite animated female characters of all time.

As the show goes on,
were introduced to all kinds of fascinating recurring
characters that all have their own interesting and dramatic back stories. There’s Matt Bluestone, a detective who’s
voiced by Thomas F. Wilson (who
you may remember as Biff from “Back to
the Future”). Then there’s Elisa’s brother Eric, also called Talon, who
leads a group of humans that were transformed into mutants (you could base a
series entirely on him). The
dialog in this show is really mature, you
never get the feeling that there’s a voice actor behind these characters.
Everything sounds so natural and in place, it’s like it all lives in its own
little world where anything can happen and every episode gets you so excited
for the next episode to come. Past events from other episodes are brought up a
lot, things are rarely forgotten and there’s nothing self contained about this
show, its one big story that keeps moving with every episode.

Things only get
better with the villains and this show had plenty of outstanding enemies to
offer. I don’t have enough time to go over all of them because there’s a lot,
so I’ll just stick to the big ones. The
villains weren’t your usual, cliché Saturday morning villains, they were just
as complex as they were sinister and menacing. The primary villain is named
Demona, she was a member of Goliath’s clan and was even his lover but she was
consumed by a hatred of humanity, and has attempted several times to destroy them.
She is hands down one of the all time greatest animated villains with an
awesome design and voice actress Marina Sirtis infuses her with a deeply chilling voice. Unlike several other cartoon
villains, this character was smart and planed some pretty extreme ideas that
were really intense. What’s even more surprising is that in several episodes,
she actually succeeds with her plans and even gets away with murdering people,
yes she actually kills characters, and is very happy about it, laughing and
enjoying every moment of it. Throughout the show, we get flash backs to her
dark past, and here flashbacks are so captivating, just seeing how this once
proud hero fell so far through some really tragic events.

second primary villain is a human character named David Xanatos, he’s also the
leader of “The steel clan”, a group of powerful robot Gargoyles. He would become Goliath's personal enemy throughout the series, it's also a nice touch that his first name happens to be David, like David and Goliath, except this time the roles are reversed. Xanatos is
another fascinating villain, he isn’t evil just for the hell of it, instead
he’s crazy with the desire to become immortal, because he fears getting old and
dyeing. His obsession is so big that he’s whiling to do anything or kill anyone
to get what he wants. He also has a sense of honor, charm and wit, he doesn’t
flat out hate his enemies and he doesn’t complain about losing, in fact he
considers it to be another step in gaining strength. At his side is Owen Burnett, who could have been a
standard supporting character but once again the writers made him better than
he needed to be. He gradually developed over the series and voice actor Jeff Bennett gives an awesome vocal
performance. There was also a fun group of villains called “The Pack”, which is
a small group of Gargoyle hunters that work for Xanatos. The members are Wolf,
Jackal, Hyena, Coyote, Fox and Dingo. What made this group so interesting is
that they never stayed the same, some would go good, some would join other
organizations, it was always changing, so it felt new a fresh every time.

Through the cores of
the show, there were all kinds of fun sub stories that would build up over the
episodes. One of my favorites was a clone war story arch, involving an evil
Goliath clone named Thailog. With the aid of a mad doctor named Anton Sevarius, they create a team of
Gargoyle clones that Demona was a member of for a while. Dr. Sevarius was voiced by
the always fantastic “Tim Curry” and in all honesty, this was one of his best
vocal performances, playing a mad doctor with a dispicable charm that only Curry could do.

Now, I’m a huge fan
of “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
and if you watched that show you’d probably recognize that most of the
cast did voice work in Gargoyles. Jonathon Frakes (who played Commander Riker)
dose the voice of Xanatos. Actually, there might be a little foreshadowing to
this in the movie “Star Trek Generations”,
“Gargoyles” started just after this
film was released and at the end of that movie Captain Picard gives a speech
about how they should cherish their lives one day at a time and remember that
there only human. Too which Riker responds by saying “Speak for yourself, I
plain to live forever” and Xanatos’s main goal in the show was to achieve
immortality. There are many other voice actors including Marina Sirtis (who
played councilor Troi) who dose the voice for Demona. Brent Spiner (who played
commander Data) dose the voice for Puck, Micahel Dorn (who played commander
Worf) dose the voice for a recurring character named Coldstone and then
there’s Levar Burton (who played Lieutenant Laforge) who did the voice of a
giant spider named Anansi. But there were several other actors from other Star Trek shows including Colm Meany
(who played Chief Obrien on both “The
Next Generation”’ and “Deep Space
Nine”) who did the voice of Mr. Dugan, Avery Brooks (who played Captain
Sisko from “Star Trek Deep Space Nine”)
did the voice for an alien character named Nokkar, Kate Mulgrew (who played
Captain Janeway on “Star Trek Voyager”)
did the voice for Titania (I’ll talk about here and Puck in a moment) and
finally Nichelle Nicols (who played Uhura in the original “Star Trek” show) did the voice for Diana Maza, that’s Elisa’s
mother. It really doesn’t matter if you recognize the actors, I just thought it
was really cool that so many people from one of my favorite live action T.V
shows could all come back together to do voice work for one of my favorite animated
T.V shows. (Fallowing image from Google)
It’s interesting to
note that this show was not based off a comic book the same way “Spider-Man” and “Batman” where, this was a completely original concept for an action
show and it’s even cooler to think that it came from Disney channel of all
places. The one and only “Marvel comics” bought the idea and began creating
Gargoyle comics after the show aired, making this one of the few superhero
shows to spawn its own collection of comics. Like I said earlier, this show got
really intense at times, there’s blood and a few characters actually get killed.
Unlike most shows, if someone dies they come back later but in this show, when
someone dies, they stay dead. This made it really hard to predict the outcome
of an episode and it made the action all the more intense. It’s not all
violence for the sake of violence, sometimes it’s an important part of the
In the episode titled "Grief", a father loses his son in a car accident and it
makes him go mad with power but he ends up learning to except what happened and
to continue to live in the moment. The morals were deep for young viewers,
focusing on things like accepting death in a family, being excepted in a
community, family dilemmas and taking big actions to do what you know is right
even if it’s risky. In an episode titled "Deadly Force", one of the younger
Gargoyles finds a gun at the detective’s house and thinks it would be fun to play
with it, but accidentally shoots a good friend of his. The moral of this story is obviously for young kids to stay away from things that are dangerous and not to play with
them as a toy, but also for parents not to leave things that can be used as weapons
in places that kids can get to them. It's not supporting gun registration, it's just saying, "be careful". Then there were simple messages for kids,
one episode was based around the impotent’s of reading books. In the shows own words “the written word is the one thing
that stands between gaining knowledge and oblivion, without books as our anchors, where cast adrift neither teaching or learning, they are lighthouses in a sea
of time”. These are only a few examples, the show has many great morals for
both kids and adults alike.

Some story arches only last over the cores of a three part or four part episode. My favorite episode by far is titled “City of Stone”. This was a four part episode that was so beautifully crafted and so well written, it was literally like a little motion picture film inside of a kids show. The plot revolves around Demona as she casts a spell on the people of New York and turns them to stone every night, and our hero's have to join forces with their greatest enemies in order to stop her. That alone would have been enough to hold a full episode, but the episode goes even further. It switches from present story to past story as we see the dark past of both Demona and another character named Macbeth through a series of flashbacks. The running theme of this episode is revenge, and the deadly, never-ending cycle that revenge takes. This has been done in other books and movies, but this episode delivered it in a way that was truly effective and memorable. It’s impossible to do this episode justice is such a short paragraph, so I’ll just say its brilliant writing, it was emotional, it was epic, it was darker than anything I'd ever seen from a children's program, which really makes me admire the Disney channel for airing this.

Gargoyles also gave great incite
on famous tails of Folklore, Mythology, and blended there classic story’s
with the plots of the episodes. Every now and then, they’d meet famous characters
from literature like “King Author” and they gave the characters the respect
they deserved and weaved great stories around them. The writers of this show were heavily influenced by the writings of Shakespeare, and two of Shakespeare's most
classic stories’ are acknowledged in this show. Oberon, Titania and Puck from
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” make several
appearances throughout the show and even quote lines from the play. My favorite
by far is when the show revolves around “Macbeth”,
who’s based on both the historical king of Scotland and the drama written by
Shakespeare. He becomes a primary character of the show and one of the most
interesting in my opinion. He has an amazing back story, and frequently faces
the weird sisters, who were also from the classic Shakespeare story. Macbeth
was brought to life very well by voice actor “John Rhys-Davies”, who you may
remember as Gimli from the “Lord of the
Rinds” movies.

There are a lot of inspired
materials, like how the design of the character “Bronx” was based off the dogs
shown in “Ghostbusters” and you
can’t help but think of “Beauty and the
Best” when you see the relation between Goliath and Elisa, in fact there’s
an episode where Elisa wares Belles yellow dress. Yeah, the show often reminds
the viewers that it came from Disney, there’s an episode were we see them
watching clips from Disney’s “Quack Pack”
as well as “The Lion King”. It also reminds
me of “X-Men”, in the same way that
both teams try to make peace with the humans that hate and fear them. It’s not
like the show is plagiarizing any of them, it’s actually reminiscent of how “Star Wars” celebrated classic tales and
recreated them in a different image.

The show had a total
of 78 episodes over the cores of 3 seasons and just about every episode had a
nice fusion of action, adventure, fantasy, mystery and history. For some
reason, both seasons one and three had 13 episodes but season two had 52 episodes,
why that season was so much longer is beyond me but that’s when all the best
stuff happens. Honestly, they could have split season two into two different
seasons because the second half was so distant from the first. The first half
just built on premise of the first season and made it better. Then the second half
focused on Goliath, Elisa, Angela
and Bronx as they traveled all over the world and discovered mythical legends
from several locations including the “Loch Ness Monster” from
“Scotland”, the “Golem” from “Prague”,
the “Banshee” from “Ireland”, and an alien sentry on “Easter Island”. That’s
just to name a small hand full, it was really cool to see all these different
locations and there fictional legends. Fans like to call this the "Gargoyles: World Tour" side season. Season 2 came to a close with an amazing
three part episode called “Hunters Moon”. This was an outstanding season
finale, full of great plot twists, it tied up all the loose ends, the Gargoyles
made peace with most of their enemies and it would have been a triumphant way to end the
series, unfortunately, that’s not where it ended.

So we got our
third and final season titled “Gargoyles:
The Goliath Chronicles”. This is where the show went downhill, it wasn’t
all bad and of the 13 episodes in this season, there were some good ones. But
there was a new director for the show and a completely different writing staff, that wasn't associated with any of the previous seasons, and it really shows. I will say that the shows new opening was awesome, with new visuals and a
remix of the original theme song. The animation in this season didn’t look quiet as as
good and the writing was much weaker than before. For example, the episode titled "Bronx Tail" was all about the dog Bronx getting lost, and finding his way back home, that's it. There’s
another episode called "To Serve Mankind", (Not to be confused with "The Twilight Zone" episode of the same name) which is about Goliath geting kidnapped by a secret society called “the Illuminati” and the entire episode is
just showing them brainwashing Goliath and torturing the other Gargoyles,
that’s really not what I want to see in this show. Xanatos became a full time good guy,
which is fine but they don’t do anything interesting with him, he’s just in the
background the whole time. Most of the interesting primary villains took a back
seat to this new anti-Gargoyle group of KKK rejects called the Quarrymen, which is really lame. The biggest disappointment was Demona, she only makes one
appearance in a very standard episode that doesn’t resolve anything or bring a
satisfying conclusion to the character, and that really sucks because she was
such an interesting villain. Then we get a season final titled "Angels in the night", which is only a single episode long, and revolves around the Gargoyles
rescuing a train full of people from the Quarrymen. Come on, I didn't watch 78
episodes of Gargoyles just to have it end with them fighting the hooded KKK

Now to be honest, the
disappointing final episode and the week final season are so small that they
hardly even matter. This show really wasn’t anything new, but it’s dark,
complicated and mellow dramatic story telling took it leaps and bounds above
any other Disney TV show. It never lightened the tone because we were kids
and it took itself seriously, but not too seriously that we couldn’t have fun
while watching it. It combined classic tails of Folklore and Mythology, complex
character development, stunting action, strong morals and brought it all
together in a T.V. show that existed in its own little world. There’s an
internet rumor that there’s a live action “Gargoyle
movie” based off this show in the works. That would be a challenge to do a proper movie
based off “Gargoyles” but the “Star Trek” movies and “X-Men” movies proved that what works in
a T.V show can work in a movie. “Gargoyles”
isn’t just one of my favorite kid shows but one that in my opinion stands as
genuinely great show that I still enjoy watching to this day and that’s
something that I don’t say lightly. I give the T.V. show “Gargoyles” a soled 5 stars.

The End