Dinosaurs were a big fascination of my childhood and I think most kids can agree. There’s something about them that captures our imagination very quickly at a young age. Sure, they look really cool, they make for great action figures for kids, but I think the big reason they leave such a huge impression on us is because, unlike other movie monsters, Dinosaurs actually lived on our planet, they were real life monsters that existed no differently than the animals of today.
Just the subject of Dinosaurs can open up a world of so much thought, imagination, and when I was a kid, I had to collect as many Dinosaur themed movies that I could get my hands on. As such, I felt I was long overdue to put together a list of my own personal favorite Dinosaur themed movies. As a SIDE NOTE … when it comes to long running Dinosaur franchises, in the vein of “Jurassic Park”, “The Land Before Time”, and even “King Kong” … I’m only including one film as a representative, because I don’t want this to be a list filled with sequels. Lastly, most of Dinosaurs in the media have been preserved through TV documentary specials, so I want to include at least one of them as a representative as well. With that said … here are my personal top 10 favorite Dinosaur themed movies.
#10 “One Million Years B.C.” (1966)
It’s the classic caveman versus dinosaur’s adventure that launched its own subgenera.
While humans didn’t really live among the Dinosaurs, the concept of early man’s battle for survival against prehistoric dangers took-off like wild-fire after this film, and had numerous imitators, including 1970’s “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth”, and 1981’s “Caveman”. It was also the poster child for attractive barbarian woman, which also became a sub-genera. The real star of this film were the Dinosaur effects by the great Ray Harryhausen, a legend in the realms of stop-motion wonders, and creature effects. It wasn’t his first-time bringing Dinosaurs to life, nor his last, with 1969’s “The Valley of Gwangi” being another memorable one after this … but these were arguably some of his best looking, and memorable. The film is certainly an acquired taste, but it still has its place in the history books of tongue-in-check, B-Movie creature features.
#9 “We’re Back: A Dinosaur Story” (1993)
Unmistakably a childhood, guilty pleasure of mine … but I just couldn’t keep this one off my list. When a small group of Dinosaurs travel through time, they find themselves lost in New York, but developing human intellects, and aim to do something special for the new generation of kids that admire them. With the help of two runaway children, they embark on an adventure in modern times, while avoiding the clutches of a mad circus leader. It’s as crazy as it sounds … not exactly a good movie … yet still very unique, even kind of original with both it’s premise and imagination on display. The animation is quiet charming to look back on, and there is just this nostalgic appeal to the whole thing that I can’t dismiss. It may not be a classic, but it was a special part of my up-bringing on loving dinosaurs as a kid.
#8 “The Lost World” (1925)
While remade, and replicated several times in the media, nothing has quiet toped the iconography of the original classic. Special effects artist Willis O'Brien broke ground with the creature effects on display, and while primitive today, there’s still so much to admire from what he accomplished for his time. From thrilling Dinosaur brawls, to creepy ape-men, to stampedes outrunning a volcano, to the show stealing Brontosaurus going on a rampage through London … this is the original classic Dinosaur adventure, one of my absolute favorite silent pictures, and one I encourage viewers to check out … if only to admire the craft of it’s time.
#7 Disney’s “Fantasia” (1940)
Despite being an anthology, with a number of different segments, I just couldn’t dismiss the twenty-three-minuet long Dinosaur segment titled “The Right of Spring”, from one of my childhood favorite movies. This depicts a chain of events beginning in outer space, we then see our planet when it was just a molten waist, but then we see cells reproduce, which is followed by the life of Dinosaurs, and everything inevitably wraps-up with their extinction.
As a kid, I loved dinosaurs more than anything, so it was cool to see all these recognizable creatures. I also loved the volcanos, and the big highlight by far was the big T-Rex attack. The way it came out in the rain with that loud musical score boasting its size was just stellar. Unlike “The Land Before Time”, which had a collection of fluffy and colorful characters, these Dinosaurs were all so dark and creepy looking. The settings likewise had this dark and foreboding mood to them. Even the basic music in this segment is more imposing and less fun. As such, I always treated it like the big kids animated Dinosaur offering, and one that still impresses me all these years later.
#6 “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms” (1953)
Amidst some atomic testing, a giant, prehistoric monster is released, and goes on a rampage. Pre-dating “Godzilla” by a year, this was one of the original classic giant monsters on the loose pictures, and still holds up as one of my favorite monster movies from the 50’s. It has some good acting by its genera standards, a simple yet nicely paced story, and our leading monster … a Rhedosaurus … is one of the greatest stop-motion monster effects of all time. This marked the early work of special effects pioneer Ray Harryhausen, prior to the dinosaurs he’d create in “One Million Years B.C.”. While his career would sky rocket with other hits in the vein of “Jason and the Argonauts” and “Clash of the Titans”, this was still the classic monster movie that really launched it, and made him a house-hold name for us genera fans.
#5 Disney’s “Dinosaur” (2000)
Yet another childhood favorite of mine, but unlike the previously mentioned “We’re Back: A Dinosaur Story” … I actually think this film holds up a little better than its reputation would suggest. While the Dinosaurs march on through a predictable plot to find a new home, in the after math of a meteor shower, there was still an ambitious effort on display for a family film to combine dramatic beats with epic grandeur. The creature designs are memorable, still look decent today, and the ferocious Carnotaurus made for a refreshing change-up to the more famous T-Rex. Along with some stunning scenery, and triumphant music score, it’s all familiar ground that’s worth re-treading … especially if you’re a general dinosaur fan.
#4 “King Kong” (1933)
While the titular giant ape, King Kong, will always be remembered as one of the all-time great movie monsters … let’s not forget the equally exciting Dinosaurs featured in the film.
After Willis O'Brien broke ground with his creature effects in the previously mentioned silent picture “The Lost World”, he leveled-up the effects with the iconic monsters in “King Kong”, which almost feels like a soft remake of his previous film, just with a giant ape in the place of the Brontosaurus. While the 2005 remake featured three times as many Dinosaurs, the original has so many classic moments, which still rank among the best Dinosaur encounters of any picture. The big event being the thrilling showdown between King Kong and the T-Rex, which may seem primitive by todays standards, but for it’s time set the bar for giant monster battles.
#3 “The Land Before Time” (1988)
When a group of young dinosaurs are separated from their herd, they have to work together to trek across dangerous grounds and battle monstrous predators to find the land that time forgot. I've always looked at this film as "Bambi", but with Dinosaurs, so this ties into my childhood more than the former, as I've always had a nostalgic connection to Dinosaurs. Despite the cutesy designs of the characters, this remains a reasonably mature film, with intense moments, and some legitimate drama. The musical score always gets me in the feels, there’s a lot of exciting battles with the T-Rex, the animation is splendid, and the ending is one of the strongest, feel-good moments from any kid’s film. Overall, "The Land Before Time" walks a perfect balance between its appeal to little kids, while also treating the audience at large with a mature, and beautiful story.
#2 “Jurassic Park” (1993)
The concept of man encountering prehistoric creatures dabbles into pure Science Fiction, as a team of professors use modern methods of cloning to bring back Dinosaurs for a giant theme park attraction.
Of course, everything goes wrong, and it’s a thrilling adventure to escape, along with just enough awe-inspiring moments. Dinosaurs will always be awesome, and this film features some of the most life-like looking Dinosaurs you’ll ever see on screen, along with some thrilling action scenes, and moments of sheer terror. Whenever I think of Velociraptors, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops and especially the T-Rex, it’s always these depictions in this film that come to mind first. Yet, the true brilliance of this film is how it puts better things before all these awesome elements … things like a good story, a memorable cast of characters, and a rich warning of those in power, who are blind to the fact that they’re not in control. Along with John Williams triumphant score, and the films breathless pace, it makes “Jurassic Park” better than just another, fun monster movie … it’s in many respects a great movie in its own right. Truthfully, it’s one of my all-time favorite movies … which would make it way too easy to place at my number one spot. As such, I have a very special pick that’s the most special to me when I think of Dinosaurs.
Before I reveal my number one favorite, here are some quick Honorable Mentions …
“Journey to the Center of the Earth” (2008)“Planet of the Dinosaurs” (1977)
“Super Mario Bros.” (1993)
“The Land that Time Forgot” (1974)
“The Good Dinosaur” (2015)
#1 “Dinosaur” (1985)
Christopher Reeve host what I consider the greatest Dinosaur special I’ve ever seen, as we look through their several appearances in the media, comic books, movies, attractions, museums, toys, and even highway decorations.
There are interviews with paleontologists like Jack Horner, scientific discoveries, theories on what happened back then, what could happen in our future, and even how some animals that lived back then still live amongst us today. Lastly, special effects animator Phil Tippet expands on his early short film titled “Prehistoric Beast’s”, with new scenes, and we see the journey of a family of Duckbill’s, as well as several exciting encounters with a T-Rex. I’m sure it seems like a cheat to put a CBS produced, documentary special in my number one spot, but this one really does run an impressive gambit of different Dinosaur related topics in just 60 minutes. The musical score gets me so hyped every time I hear it, and the creature effects on display, I feel, are the best of the pre- “Jurassic Park” creatures.
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